Frugalicious Reviews: Cleaning Packs
Just wanted to do a review of some products I received. I love getting free stuff, so I was happy to try out two products someone generously gave me!! Those cleaning packs have been getting quite a buzz lately. They seem to be the best thing in cleaning agents since forever!! The idea is to have a concentrated, compact gel pack that will clean your laundry and your dishes, making them good as new!! So, let's start with the bad news...
All(r) Mighty Pacs (RANT)
I received the free clear pacs and as far as I'm concerned, they might as well have been filled with water. I give them a thumbs DOWN!! Throwing them into the machine is definitely more convenient than measuring out messy liquids or powders, but the end result was not the same as my normal detergent. The clothes did not seem to be as clean as usual. Being the skeptic I am sometimes, I even threw in two pacs, since my load was a little larger...I had to wash them a second time...I used my trusty Tide.
They may have to go to Freecycle. Maybe they will work better for someone else.
Cascade Gel Packs (RAVE)
My friend gave me these because she doesn't have a dishwasher. I am so grateful to have received these. They are easy to use and during the wash, it filled the entire main floor with the freshest smell!! Lovely!! When I opened the door, the dishes were sparkling!! I know we've seen commercials when products claim a sparkling clean, but you see dull on a regular basis. This was not the case. The dishes really were sparkling!! I can't remember the last time I didn't see spots!! I LOVE this product!! I'll be sure to look for coupons for this one, but in the mean time, I'll just use the several freebies I was given!! Thumbs up all the way!!
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