They're offering 75% off Jeans, Pants & Skirts from 9am-Noon!! I WILL BE IN THE HOUSE!! This comes right on time, as I need more dress pants and I'm always on the hunt for a cute skirt (or 3).
Now, if you're skeptical about thrift shops or "second-hand" stores, please trust me when I say you'll find something for you and your whole family!! I love Savers because the stores are clean, the staff is pretty knowledgeable (but not bothersome) and the store is arranged by category and size. Before you wonder if they will have anything in your size...YES!! I wear a range of 22-26, with a size 11 shoe and I almost ALWAYS find something in the store that I can wear TODAY (not when I "lose a few pounds").
Don't believe me, take a look...
...and this is just SOME of the items I've picked up there. I have a closet FULL of Savers deals!!
So, come Friday, get your thrift shopping ON!! You will NOT regret it!!
Happy Shopping and stay Frugalicious!!